Publication launched — 24 practical distance-spanning solutions for healthcare and social care

This publication contains the 24 most relevant digital solutions in healthcare and care in our five Nordic countries. What they have in common is that they are widespread; meaning that they are already implemented in many places, the solutions  work and have a proven track record. Another distinguishing feature of these solutions is that they are a collection of different digital services that make a big difference, positive contribution, to many people daily life around the Nordic region.

The publication is mainly targeting decision makers at different levels within healthcare and social care sector. However the publication can be good reading for anyone who has an interest in distance spanning solutions that have a proven effect within healthcare and social care.

Future foreseen challenges related to resources for healthcare and social care could be solved, in all Nordic countries, if they would create a service model which is including use of an appropriate combination of these solutions. 

Download the publication in swedish

You can also find a description of each solution, in English, at this website by scrolling down the start page to heading Solutions.